Re-post -- EDT [European Deaf Telephone] and EDTN are the TDD protocols used in Switzerland
(too old to reply)
2007-08-24 19:50:28 UTC
<alt.comp.hardware snipped & rec.audio.opinion added>


EDT [European Deaf Telephone] and EDTN are the TDD protocols used in
Switzerland. Where can I find technical information about the EDT/
EDTN? Also, I would like to hear some tones resulting from the remote
EDTs/EDTNs located in Switzerland. I live in USA, so if I dial an EDT/
EDTN number to Switzerland, I will hear both the EDT/EDTN tones as
well as the tones resulting from negotiations among international
telephone exchanges. Those textphone and international exchange tones
give me an eerie feeling which I enjoy. I get a feeling of pleasant
fear. Its give me a psychedelic sensation. I like it. The tones are
scary yet fun -- much like virtual reality, a roller-coaster, or a
trip to outer space!

If I could find accurate recording of those tones [tones from remote
Swiss EDTs/EDTNs and international exchange negotiations] on a website
in Wave format and at least 44.1 kHz sample rate and 16-bit, then I
would just download those tones and listen. Unfortunately, no internet
site has recordings of those tones.

Also, what does ETDN stand for?


Sister Mary
2007-08-24 20:31:13 UTC
"Radium" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message news:***@r23g2000prd.googlegroups.com...
Post by Radium
EDT [European Deaf Telephone] and EDTN are the TDD protocols used in
Switzerland. Where can I find technical information about the EDT/
EDTN? Also, I would like to hear some tones resulting from the remote
EDTs/EDTNs located in Switzerland. I live in USA, so if I dial an EDT/
EDTN number to Switzerland, I will hear both the EDT/EDTN tones as
well as the tones resulting from negotiations among international
telephone exchanges. Those textphone and international exchange tones
give me an eerie feeling which I enjoy. I get a feeling of pleasant
fear. Its give me a psychedelic sensation. I like it. The tones are
scary yet fun -- much like virtual reality, a roller-coaster, or a
trip to outer space!
Phones for the deaf and you dial Switzerland just so you can masterbate
listening to tones. You're a fucking nutter and you are as dopey as the
888 in your 24hr group.
Post by Radium
Also, what does ETDN stand for?
It stands for European Deaf Telephone Network or is that too tricky for you.
Do you really think Deaf people make voice phonecalls, It serves no purpose
apart from for strange people as yourself who imagine they can hear tones
that don't exist. I guess your next series of posts will be about you want
convert these non-existant tones into 16bit mono MP3's.
2007-08-25 00:55:24 UTC
Post by Sister Mary
Post by Radium
EDT [European Deaf Telephone] and EDTN are the TDD protocols used in
Switzerland. Where can I find technical information about the EDT/
EDTN? Also, I would like to hear some tones resulting from the remote
EDTs/EDTNs located in Switzerland. I live in USA, so if I dial an EDT/
EDTN number to Switzerland, I will hear both the EDT/EDTN tones as
well as the tones resulting from negotiations among international
telephone exchanges. Those textphone and international exchange tones
give me an eerie feeling which I enjoy. I get a feeling of pleasant
fear. Its give me a psychedelic sensation. I like it. The tones are
scary yet fun -- much like virtual reality, a roller-coaster, or a
trip to outer space!
Phones for the deaf and you dial Switzerland just so you can masterbate
listening to tones.
Why does everyone assume that this enjoyment of mine is sexual? Sure
it maybe weird but it's anything other than sexual. It has no relation
to eroticism or romance.

FYI, there are non-sexual psychological pleasures -- this is one of
them. Certain things that are scary can also be enjoyable. Why else
would we visit outer space, land on the moon, or explore volcanoes?
Why else would roller-coasters or terrifying movies be on demand?

Ever watch the movie "White Noise" or the Bourne films? These two
movies are examples of frightening yet enjoyable forms of non-sexual
Post by Sister Mary
Post by Radium
Also, what does ETDN stand for?
It stands for European Deaf Telephone Network
Do you really think Deaf people make voice phonecalls, It serves no purpose
apart from for strange people as yourself who imagine they can hear tones
that don't exist.
Those tones most definitely do exist. What makes you think they don't?
How else would EDTN work?
Post by Sister Mary
I guess your next series of posts will be about you want
convert these non-existant tones into 16bit mono MP3's.
More like can these EDTN signals be used as a form of dial-up internet
access? Obviously it won't be much faster than any other dial-up --
most likely a max of 56 kbps. The sounds would be different from
currently-used dial-up modems, though. This is because EDTN uses
different types of signaling than most 56K dial-up modems.
